Friday 26 June 2015

Style Tips For A Teenage Me

First of all it is important that you know however you present yourself, whether you are rocking those bodycon dresses or chilling out in a pair of dungarees, you will look back at photos of yourself further down the line and cringe. Once you realise this is the same for everyone walking this planet things will be easier. Honestly, Kate Moss cringes, Zoella Cringes, Cheryl Fernandez-Versini even cringes. We are all Human and we all make fashion mistakes.

As a teenager the need to 'fit in' feels like the world's gravity pushing down on your shoulders. This pressure creates terrible fashion faux pas. Your mum will probably tell you that covering your lips in foundation or those massive gold hoop earrings look strange, but she is old and knows nothing about your life or fashion right? (Wow I really wish I had of listened to my mum)

There is a trick though, which will make those cringe worthy pictures make you smile instead of cry. It is really quite simple, be yourself. If you love that red hair mascara, mascara it up, cover your whole head in that crusty ginger sheen. If a long black coat and a silver studded choker fills your body with joy then represent, even in the heat of the summer.

The most embarrassing photos are the ones when you can tell that even back then you thought you looked awful. Everyone is wearing adidas trousers and an oversized clown necklace so you thought you should circum to the uniform of your youth. NO - don't do it, don't become a clone. I'm not telling you to make a conscious effort to push boundaries and shock the olds. I am just telling you to be comfortable and wear what you enjoy. That is the only way you will look back at those awful teenage photos you wish would disappear with any sense of pride, they are you being you - and as cringeworthy as they will be, knowing you made those choices as an individual makes them sort of beautiful!


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